2021 - 2022 OFFICERS
Lorraine Knight, President
Reba Peden, PP, PLS, Vice President
Renee Roddey, CRNA, Secretary
Sue Allmon, CLP, Treasurer
Sheyla Cantu-Meza, Director
PBLP is a small but well-recognized group of legal professionals in south Mississippi, covering Jones, Forrest and Lamar counties and including the cities of Laurel, Hattiesburg and Purvis, Mississippi.
Our members are active in our respective communities and enjoy promoting the benefits of this wonderful tri-level association to which we belong.
PBLP partners with the Jones County Bar Association each year to host an event entitled: "CLE for Procrastinators," offering six (6) hours of CLE for attorneys and paralegals.
2021 - 2022 OFFICERS pictured below seated on the front row. . . from left to right:
Rabi Camara, Director
Renee Roddey, CRNA, Secretary
Reba Peden, PP, PLS, Treasurer
Sue Allmon, CLP, Vice President
Lorraine Knight, President

Meeting dates, times, and places are flexible because all our members are in different places and we have to work with their schedules.
Civic Involvement
We do from time
to time have philanthropic projects and make contributions to worthy
causes. These change from year to year depending on need.
We also participate in finance/ humanitarian projects endorsed by the state association.
CLE Offerings
Pine Belt LP co-sponsors with the Jones County Bar Association a Continuing Legal Education Seminar on the last Thursday in July each year. Please check back for more information on our 2021 joint offering (event site to be announced later).