Association Happenings through Pictures
Congratulations to
At the membership meeting in November, Senior Master Sergeant Jeannie Marie Totty Shaw, United States Air Force, Retired, PP, PLS, was recognized for over 20 years of faithful military service and 20 years of dedicated membership with the Mississippi Legal Professionals Association. She was awarded an honorary membership in this Association. We are grateful to the VFW Lacy Kelly Post 3036 for providing color guard for this meeting.

January 27, 2017
Anita Campbell, PP, PLS, Certification Chair, pinned our newest Certified Legal Professional, Barry Pickreign, with the CLP pin. Congratulations, Barry Pickreign, CLP, ALP on this accomplishment!!
Congratulations, Sue Staley of Jackson LPA, on winning a tree full of cash and gift cards for our January Finance Project !
September 2017
Lauren Ray from Jackson was the winner of the Wine Basket Raffle, which was a combined finance/humanitarian project. Congratulations, Lauren, and thanks for your support of the Mississippi Legal Professionals Association!
2018 Annual Meeting, Vicksburg, MS
2017 Annual Meeting, Gulfport, MS
2016 Annual Meeting, Gulfport, MS
2012 Annual Meeting, Gulfport, MS
2010 Annual Meeting, Natchez, MS